In 2008, KZCF established the Community Urgent Relief Fund (CURF) in partnership with United Way of South Central Michigan. Since its creation, the CURF has served as KZCF’s fastest and most flexible tool to respond to crises and natural disasters as they arise.
The CURF has been activated repeatedly for a series of reasons, including alleviating the prolonged effects of the economic recession in 2008, responding to the Uber shooting in 2016, providing flood relief in 2018, dispersing personal protective equipment and other COVID-19 aid from 2020 to 2022, and, most recently, offering support in the wake of the May 7, 2024 tornadoes.
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, KZCF has been able to remain a trusted resource for our nonprofit partners who rely upon critical funding support when disasters strike. Gifts to the CURF help our community members gain access to shelter, food, clothing and more during the moments when they need it most.
None of us can predict when disaster strikes. However, your gift to the CURF helps ensure that we remain ready. Join us in building a more resilient Kalamazoo County today!
Join us in building a more resilient Kalamazoo County today!
The Next Phase of Community Recovery
Update January 21, 2025:

Download a PDF of the tornado relief dashboard.
Update May 8, 2024:
As recovery from yesterday's tornadoes begins, United Way SCMI and Kalamazoo Community Foundation (KZCF) are joining in collaboration to lend our shared strengths to relief efforts. We are working alongside partners at Gryphon Place and 2-1-1 as they identify community needs and determine how best to mobilize resources.
Apply for CURF Funding
As in past disasters, the Kalamazoo Community Foundation and United Way of South Central Michigan are joining in collaboration to lend our shared strengths to relief efforts for the May 7, 2024 tornadoes.
Due to the limited funds available and the specific, place-based nature of this response, the application for this funding is only accessible through the Kalamazoo County Response Consortium (KCRC) and our community’s Community Resilience Program Manager, Renwick Ballew (they/them/theirs) who can be contacted at Please include ‘CURF/DRF Funding’ in the subject line of the e-mail.
These funds will be granted to 501c3 nonprofit organizations, individuals or groups with a 501c3 fiscal sponsor and/or public entities who are providing direct services to residents of Kalamazoo County and Kalamazoo County households impacted by the May 7, 2024 tornadoes.
Priority activities include (but are not limited to):
- Direct cash assistance to individuals or households who have experienced a loss of income or loss of property directly related to the tornadoes.
- Temporary housing assistance (hotel stays, shelter costs, rental assistance or housing relocation support) not covered by insurance
- Critical home repairs not covered by insurance
- Assistance with repairing or replacing critical necessities not covered by insurance (i.e.. furniture, clothing, appliances, or a vehicle)
- Costs associated with disaster response case management or volunteer management.
Priority populations include (but are not limited):
- Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPoC) community members
- Individuals over 65 years old
- Individuals with disabilities
- LGBTQIA+ Individuals
- Households (including children) who have income below the Asset Limited, Income Constrained and Employed (ALICE) threshold
- Geographical areas (ie. townships or neighborhoods) with a high concentration of ALICE households
- Individuals who may experience systemic barriers to accessing available governmental resources (such as individuals who lost or are without identification, individuals for whom English is not their first or preferred language)
Note: CURF and DRF funds are intended to complement resources available from FEMA, state and local governmental agencies, and private insurance.
Please direct any questions to