Donor Advised Funds (DAF) are a convenient, flexible tool for individuals, families, businesses or groups who want to make a gift and remain actively involved in suggesting how it is used.
KZCF has more than 200 DAFs and Donor Relations staff work with donor advisors in a variety of ways based on the advisor’s interest in engagement.
"Donor Advised Funds at KZCF provide donors with the opportunity to learn more about community needs, support the nonprofits and causes they care about, and actively co-invest with KZCF if they so choose," says Joanna Donnelly Dales, vice president of Donor Relations. "Some of our donor advisors are self-sufficient; they have very clear interest areas and organizations they wish to support. Other donor advisors, however, want to learn more about community needs and enjoy reading about featured organizations in Partners in Philanthropy, KZCF’s e-newsletter designed specifically for donor advisors."

Co-investing with KZCF
Kathy and Bill Main have found that having a DAF has increased their engagement in local philanthropy.
"In our conversations with our donor relations officer, Julie Loncharte, we identified several areas of special interest to our family," says the couple. "Julie then reviewed the many grant requests that KZCF had received and found those requests that matched our interests. We selected some of those to support financially. This process made it possible for us to help specific programs in our community that both needed support and that we felt strongly about. This has been quite interesting and educational. We have learned ways in which our personal interests and our Donor Advised Fund could be matched up with the needs of ?the community."
Asked what benefits they see in having a DAF at KZCF, the Mains said, "We are busy people and have many other activities and distractions. KZCF is working full time on behalf of the community. They have a better understanding than we do of the broad range of local needs and the many programs that are in place trying to address them. By utilizing KZCF we can make more informed choices. They make the process educational, easy and enjoyable."
Tax law changes
Because the individual standard deduction doubled with the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, "Donor Advised Funds may be an even more valuable tool for donors," says Dales. "By bundling your charitable giving into a Donor Advised Fund, you can realize the tax benefits from itemized deductions while also maintaining the freedom to make grant suggestions over time as you see fit."
For more information call 269.381.4416 to speak with Donor Relations or visit our Give Now page.
Click here to read the full issue of our latest Update newsletter as a digital magazine where this article was featured.