Kari Benjamin joined the Community Foundation last summer as a member of
our Community Investment team. Kari's roll-with-the-punches attitude and self-described nosy –– we like to call it inquisitive –– nature make her a welcome addition to our team.

What do you actually do all day?
That's a good question. I get to do different things every day.

What's the best part of your job?
The people I work with and being able to be more involved in what's happening in Kalamazoo.

Favorite flavor of ice cream
Rainbow Sherbet

Guilty Pleasure
HGTV marathons

Most-played song on your iPod
Boy With A Coin
by Iron & Wine

Plain or Peanut M&M's

Favorite Book
Anything by Neil Gaiman

If you could choose a super power, what would it be?
I would want to be able to fly.

Favorite Smartphone or Tablet App
Words with Friends

Favorite Kalamazooan (Living or Dead, Real or Fictional)
Gene the Pumpkin Man

Favorite Kalamazoo Restaurant
Shawarma King on Drake Road

Favorite Movie
Stranger Than Fiction

What do you love about where you live?
Art events and music festivals.